Humans are social creatures. We crave connection just as we crave food and water. Our relationships with people are fundamental to our happiness – they give support and a sense of meaning and belonging in our lives.
As we come towards the end of our One Good Club journey we decided this week to host a coffee/tea evening for the community. This was held in the club during academy times. So parents stayed to chat, connect and have a cuppa while watching underage training. This was a way to connect with the community while also saying a huge 'THANK YOU' to everyone who participated not only on this One Good Club journey but in the every day runnings of our club.
Most of us were taught that saying “thank you” is simply the polite thing to do. But recent research in social psychology suggests that saying “thank you” goes beyond good manners – it also serves to build and maintain social relationships.
We have a very excited group ready to head to Croker for the Ladies Football All Ireland Finals this weekend too!