Wolfe Tones na Sionna

Founded 1967

Co. Clare

AGM Notes

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Chairman, Michael Riordan told those present that the club had made significant progress both on and off the field. The club had won a number of county titles in hurling, football and ladies football. Off the field the Michael spoke about the refurbishment of the Goalpost bar and the upgrading of the old building that would allow the local community to use the hall again having been unusable for the last number of years. 

Club treasurer Andrew Carr gave a brief presentation with regards to the clubs finances and while some areas were identified as needing improvement there was significant targets met across a number of areas last year.

The executive committee for 2017 will see some changes, Joe Kelly will replace outgoing president Kevin Hehir, Elaine Donnellan is stepping down from her position of club registrar, that position will be filled by Chris Price. Padraig MacCormaic who has been a club stalwart for many years and held various positions will no longer be academy co-coordinator. Anyone interested in that position is asked to contact Michael Riordan.  

On the night there were volunteers sought for a number of committees. With the club celebrating its 50th anniversary next year a committee is being proposed to help organise and run various events throughout the Jubilee year. Fundraising is the life blood of many clubs and Wolfe Tones are no different so if you would be interested in helping out in anyway please reach out to any member of the executive to be a part of a fundraising committee.

The chairman closed the meeting by wishing all members a very Happy Christmas and prospersou New Year.


2017 Executive

President - Joe Kelly

Chairman - Michael Riordan

Secretary – Amanda Hogan

Asst Secretary – Eithne Dooley

Treasurer – Andrew Carr

Asst. Treasurer – John Riordan

P.R.O – Richard Keane

Registrar – Chris Price

Adult Games Chairman – Michael Riordan

Juvenile  Chairman – Mark O’Sullivan

Juvenile Secretary – Sharon Casey

Outdoor Facilities – Larry Donnellan

Coaching Officer – Paul Hogan

Academy Rep - TBC (Anyone interested is asked to contact Michael Riordan)

Schools Liaison Officer – Noel Marshall            

Bar Liaison Officer – Gary Fitzgibbon

Groundsman – Larry Donnellan

First Aid /Children’s' Officer – Kathy Hogan

County Board Delegate – Chris Price

Equipment Officer – Matt O’Connor

Players Representative – Jamie Roughan

Irish Officer - Brian Fitzgerald

Ladies Football Rep – Frank Casey

Ladies Football Rep  - Bernie Regan


Adult Managers 2017

Senior hurling – James Carrig

Senior football – John Riordan

Junior hurling – Dermot O’Donnell

Junior football – Fergie O'Donnell

U21 hurling – Eddie Shanager

U21 football - TBC ( If you any interested in this position please contact Michael Riordan)

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